Application Deadline: December 1, 2019, and February 28, 2020
Program khusus : Dibuka Pendaftaran Kursus Akuntansi Dasar & Lanjutan
Brief Description
- University or Organization: Bavarian-Czech Academic Agency
- Department: NA
- Course Level: Postgraduate degree
- Award: 735,- € per month and 8.820,- € per year
- Access Mode: Online
- Number of Awards: Not known
- Nationality: International students
- The award can be taken in Germany
Program unggulan : Program English Speaking and Conversation
- Eligible Countries: Seekers from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine
- Acceptable Course or Subjects: Postgraduate, PhD or research program in any subject area
- Admissible Criteria: To be eligible for this studentship, the applicant must have to be a graduate student from one of these countries. Candidates must have an interest in studying the masters, PhD, and research in any of their chosen subject area at any Bavarian universities for the academic year 2020-2021.
- Candidates must be no older than 30 (for master’s degree students) or 35 (for doctoral candidates) in the first year of scholarship. Applicants must be matriculated in a master’s or PhD program at a Bavarian University, University of Applied Sciences or Art Academy of your choice during the period of your granted scholarship.
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How to Apply
If you have an inclination towards this educational program then you are recommended to be registered as a postgraduate and PhD degree student at any Bavarian universities. After taking acceptance, claimants can submit the online award application form.
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Additional Information
- Supporting Documents: Must attach the previous academic achievements, letter of motivation, description of the project, letter of endorsement of a Bavarian university, proof of citizenship, letter of motivation and a tabular CV. Send your documents to the Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum für Mittel-, Ostund Südosteuropa BAYHOST Universitätsstr. 31, D-93053 Regensburg Germany.
- Admission Requirements: For taking affirmation, claimants need to achieved / or will achieve a distinctively above-average university degree and hold their bachelor degree certificates with good academic grades.
- Language Requirement: You are needed to provide evidence of your German and/or English language skills according to your intended study program in Bavaria.
Program Unggulan : Buruan Daftar Les Privat Online – Kelas Bahasa – 2019
Benefits: The studentship will provide the monthly (735, – €) and amounts to 8.820, – € per year. Students with at least one child receive 895, – € per month, which amounts to 10.740, – € per year
Apply Now
scholarship in German 2020 click here
supported by kelas bahasa
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