Nova Southeastern University Razor’s Edge Global Program Scholarships in USA

Application Deadline: November 1, 2021

Brief Description

  • University: Nova Southeastern University
  • Department: NA
  • Course Level: Undergraduate degree
  • Awards: $24,000 ($20,000 tuition restricted, $3,500 campus housing, $500 meal plan)
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Number of Awards: NA
  • Nationality: Domestic and international students
  • The award can be taken in the USA
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  • Eligible Countries: All nationalities
  • Acceptable Course or Subjects: Undergraduate degree in any subject offered by the university
  • Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following criteria:
  • Strong interest in global issues, international relations, and global leadership
  • If selected, the razors edge scholarship supersedes the Dean’s Scholarship and other adjustments to need awards/tuition only awards
  • Students are required to live on campus

How to Apply

  • How to Apply: For grasping the opportunity, you have to take admission in the undergraduate degree coursework at the university. After that, they can apply for the funding program.
  • Supporting Documents: You must submit all the following supporting documents:
  • Present your original documentation in person.
  • You must request a receipt showing that you have updated your citizenship status.
  • Admission Requirements: For taking admission, applicants must have a high school certificate with a good academic record.
  • Language Requirement: Students need to demonstrate that they have a good level of written and spoken English.
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The Nova Southeastern University will provide an award amount of $24,000 ($20,000 tuition restricted, $3,500 campus housing, and $500 meal plan)

Apply Now