PT Softex Indonesia membuka beberapa lowongan kerja untuk lulusan baru dan berpengalaman dibawah ini :
- Customer Logistic Development Analyst
The position is a focus to take into account the customer’s logistics capability and customer’s inventory into the logistics continuous improvement between KCS and KCS’s customers.
Job Description
- Drive effective cross-functional communication among stakeholders: Sales, Logistics operations, Demand Planning, Product Supply and External Partners
- Achieve KPIs targets including customer service parameters and logistics spend expectation through effective implementation of processes.
- Focus on account or channel-specific initiatives in efficient replenishment and availability while driving the implementation of joint value creation initiatives identified through customer collaboration.
- Deliver enhanced service by driving the implementation of customer supply chain improvement initiatives and building deep relationships with the customer.
- Bachelor’s degree from any major with minimum GPA of 3.00
- Have experience minimum 1-3 years as Logistic Operational and Logistic Operation Project.
- Strong analytical skill, fluent in English, and managing data complexity.
- Able to be working under pressure.
- Advance in Ms. Office (Excel, Word & PowerPoint).
- Willing to be located in Karawang.
- Production Planning Assistant Manager
- Marketing Internship
- Accounting Supervisor
- HR Operations Supervisor
- Account Receivable Manager
baca juga : pendaftaran kursus psikotes, tpa dan tes bahasa asing kerja 2024
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Note untuk bukti kelulusan ujian (bukan testimoni) FHCI BUMN 2021, 2022, dan 2023, PCPM BI, ODP Bank Mandiri, ODP Bank BNI, GPTP Telkom, GFLP Bank BRI, Bank BCA, dan BUMN lainnya plus perusahaan nasional serta internasional di Indonesia bisa dicek dibawah ini