Halo sobat kelas bahasa x kelas TPA TOEFL khusus yang sedang persiapan untuk persiapan ujian Tes Bahasa Inggris atau TOEFL ITP persiapan Beasiswa LPDP RI, CPNS (Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil) khusus tes intelegensi umum (TIU) dan CPPPK (Calon Pegawai Pemerintah dengan Perjanjian Kerja) kemampuan teknis , FHCI BUMN khusus tes kemampuan dasar (TPD), PPDS (program pendidikan dokter spesialis), Magister, Doktoral, PPDGS (Program Pendidikan Dokter Gigi), Insinyur dan Profesi dari beberapa kampus seperti PMB ITB, UM UGM, SIMAK UI (Seleksi Masuk Universitas Indonesia), SMUP UNPAD (Universitas Padjadjaran) , PPMB Unair (Universitas Airlangga), PMB ITS (Institut Teknologi Sebelas November), PMB Unhas (Universitas Hasanudin) , PMB USU (Universitas Sumatera Utara), Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin, UM Undip (Ujian Masuk Universitas Diponegoro), dan UNS Surakarta.
Reading Comprehension Text
Paragraph 1:
The Great Barrier Reef, located off the coast of Queensland, Australia, is the world’s largest coral reef system. Stretching over 2,300 kilometers, it is composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is renowned for its biodiversity, hosting thousands of marine species, including fish, mollusks, sea turtles, and dolphins. Unfortunately, the reef faces significant threats due to climate change, pollution, and overfishing, leading to its gradual degradation.
Paragraph 2:
One of the major threats to the Great Barrier Reef is coral bleaching, a phenomenon caused by rising sea temperatures. When stressed by heat, corals expel the symbiotic algae that give them their vibrant colors and provide essential nutrients. Without these algae, corals turn white and are more vulnerable to disease. While some corals can recover if temperatures normalize, prolonged exposure to high temperatures often leads to irreversible damage.
Paragraph 3:
Efforts to protect the Great Barrier Reef are ongoing, with initiatives focusing on reducing carbon emissions, improving water quality, and controlling outbreaks of crown-of-thorns starfish—a species that preys on coral. Additionally, marine protected areas have been established to limit fishing and other human activities. Despite these measures, experts argue that global cooperation is crucial to combat the overarching issue of climate change that threatens reefs worldwide.
Paragraph 4:
The Great Barrier Reef also holds cultural and economic significance. It supports tourism and fishing industries, generating billions of dollars annually and providing livelihoods for thousands of people. Furthermore, it is deeply connected to the traditions and spiritual beliefs of the Indigenous Australian communities. Protecting the reef is not just an environmental priority but also a cultural and economic necessity.
- What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
a. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system.
b. The Great Barrier Reef is under threat from climate change.
c. The Great Barrier Reef is composed of thousands of marine species.
d. The Great Barrier Reef is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. - What does the word “phenomenon” in the second paragraph most likely mean?
a. Problem
b. Process
c. Occurrence
d. Discovery - What does the pronoun “them” in the second paragraph refer to?
a. Algae
b. Corals
c. Temperatures
d. Nutrients - According to the passage, what causes coral bleaching?
a. Rising sea temperatures
b. Pollution in the water
c. Overfishing in coral areas
d. Crown-of-thorns starfish - What is the purpose of marine protected areas, as mentioned in the third paragraph?
a. To reduce water pollution
b. To limit harmful human activities
c. To promote tourism in the reef
d. To control coral bleaching - The word “irreversible” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to:
a. Unstoppable
b. Unchangeable
c. Dangerous
d. Gradual - Why is global cooperation considered crucial for protecting the reef?
a. To establish more marine protected areas
b. To control local fishing activities
c. To address climate change effectively
d. To educate Indigenous communities - What is the cultural significance of the Great Barrier Reef, as discussed in the fourth paragraph?
a. It provides nutrients for marine species.
b. It is a symbol of global environmental cooperation.
c. It is tied to Indigenous Australian traditions.
d. It supports sustainable fishing practices. - What can be inferred about the economic importance of the reef?
a. Tourism is the only significant industry it supports.
b. It contributes to Australia’s economy through multiple industries.
c. Fishing in the reef is more profitable than tourism.
d. It generates revenue only for Indigenous communities. - Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage?
a. Optimistic
b. Concerned
c. Neutral
d. Informative
Answers and Explanations
- a. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system.
Explanation: The first paragraph highlights the reef’s size and biodiversity. - c. Occurrence
Explanation: The context describes coral bleaching as something that happens due to rising temperatures, making “occurrence” the best fit. - b. Corals
Explanation: The pronoun “them” refers back to “corals,” which expel algae when stressed. - a. Rising sea temperatures
Explanation: The second paragraph explicitly states that coral bleaching is caused by heat stress from rising sea temperatures. - b. To limit harmful human activities
Explanation: The passage mentions marine protected areas are established to limit fishing and other human activities. - b. Unchangeable
Explanation: “Irreversible” means unable to be undone or changed, fitting the context of permanent damage to corals. - c. To address climate change effectively
Explanation: The third paragraph states that global cooperation is needed to combat climate change, the primary threat to reefs. - c. It is tied to Indigenous Australian traditions.
Explanation: The fourth paragraph discusses the reef’s connection to Indigenous culture and traditions. - b. It contributes to Australia’s economy through multiple industries.
Explanation: The reef supports both tourism and fishing industries, generating significant economic benefits. - d. Informative
Explanation: The passage provides detailed information about the reef, its threats, and its importance without expressing strong emotions.
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